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Swinging in with a gunslinging gal and some quick touch-ups for Worlds.

League Smurf News ·

Patch 10.19 notes

Swinging in with a gunslinging gal and some quick touch-ups for Worlds.

Hi! The Worlds patch is here, a new markswoman is here, you’re here...it’s a dang party!

The world itself has been a little topsy-turvy, but there’s nothing crazy here, we promise. This patch is focused on tidying things up for the championship, which means levelling the playing field so that not one figure is dwarfing the rest (here’s looking at you, Caitlyn). This also means we’re giving a bit of a kick to some friends to, well, kick them into gear and into the competitive spotlight. These buffs are mostly geared towards marksmen, junglers, and mid laners, in the hopes of mixing things up a tad for our biggest tournament of the year!

And finally, a warm welcome to Samira, who can slice and dice (and blast) it up in the bot lane. I mean, she’s got an eye patch and everything.

And away we go!

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