Patches are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get—unless you read the patch notes, that is. (Speaking of surprises, we have a new author today!)
This patch the Chem-Baroness Ms. Renata Glasc begins her corporate takeover of the Rift. We also have a few buffs for Kalista, Lucian, and Xayah to freshen up the current ADC assortment among other balances. Meanwhile in top lane, things have been a little tense with our enchanter friends, so we have some support gold income changes to help address the current situation. Lastly, be sure to keep your heart rate in check as we introduce a new set of stunning Shockblade skins!
And over in TFT, Renata Glasc, Silco, and many more join the updated TFT roster during the mid-set, Neon Nights. Read more about the update over at the TFT patch notes here!